By writing a love letter to your long distance partner, you are sure to spice up the relationship a bit more. But what are the main reasons for writing a love letter?
There are tons of reasons why you should send them a love letter in the mail. Firstly, you will give your partner an object that they can hold to be reminded of you while you are away. Secondly, receiving something in the post can be very exciting, especially when they see that it’s from you. Most couples will keep their letters and read them again when they are missing one another. These messages of reassurance can absolutely mean the world to your significant other in times of sadness.
Writing A Love Letter For Long Distance
If you are a talented writer and completely in touch with your feelings, writing a romantic letter should come very easy to you. However if you’re not that much of a romantic, here are some valuable suggestions.
Tell Them Right Away What The Letter Contains
You should explain that it’s a love note in the very first line. It could worry your lover to get a formal letter from you and might make them start to think that something isn’t right with the relationship. Tell them right away that you are really missing them and wanted to tell them your feelings in written form.
Make A List of Their Qualities That You Love
It could be their physical appearance. Or it could be the things that they’ve done for you. Make a list of everything about your partner that makes you love them. Then expand these things into sentences and make a paragraph. You may take something along the lines of, “I love your smile” and change it to, “Your smile can brighten the darkest clouds and make you stand out in a crowd.”
Make Small Talk About Your Future Together
Don’t forget to write two to three paragraphs telling them how much your life has changed since you got together with them. Be sure to express your feelings about where you see the relationship going in the future. Paint a mental picture for your lover about what your life together will be like. This is certain to make them love and yearn for you even more.
Reaffirm The Commitment That You Have Towards The Courtship
Although they may already know it, you should tell them how much you are committed to the relationship. They will never get tired of hearing it. Be sure to end with “No matter how life treats us, I will never grow tired of you.”
Sign With Your Name and The Date
Place your signature at the bottom and remember to date it at the top. By dating your letter it will be a great way to track them in the future.
Get more help with a long distance relationship and read about other couples in a long distance relationship at The Long Distance Relationship Advice Group.